The Friend and Foe Site (23CL113) was investigated by an archaeological team ahead of the construction of the Smithville Reservoir by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The site provides important insights into the Mississippian period in the Kansas City area - the site can be assigned to the Steed Kisker Phase.
Riley, Thomas J.
1967. Preliminary Salvage Work in the Smithville Reservoir Area: 1967. Report prepared by the University of Missouri Archaeological Research, Department of Anthropology.
Pottery described in the report:
a - b. Straight to slightly flaring rims with smoothed, rounded lips. Temper varies from grit (13 specimens), leached shell (6 specimen), or limestone and grog (4 specimens)
c - d. Jars with constricted orifices. Lips are rolled outwards. Generally thick, ranging from 6 to 10 mm. Temper is either grit (1 specimen) or shell (3 specimens).
e. Single example of a grit tempered rimsherd with pinched nodes around the rolled rim.
f. Single example of a grit tempered vessel with punctate made along the outer lip.
Artifacts described in the report:
a. Hematite showing striations.
b. Abrader made out of sandstone.
c. [Not described] Probably a scraper.
d, Cahokia point measuring 20 mm length, 14 mm, width, and 4 mm. thickness.
e. Elbow pipe out of gray, grit tempered clay. Measure 55 mm. in length. There is a slight roll at the rim of the bowl.
f. Chert flake with secondary flaking along one side.