9 red seeds in a 4 cm. rotted watermelon
6 September 2021
27 red seeds and 2 white seeds from the 7.2 cm diameter red seeded melon opened on 20 September 2020. Faint taste of a cucumber, but generally tasteless.
Red Seeded Watermelon 1 August 2021 Red Seed Watermelon 23 August 2021
Largest water melon eaten on 29 September 2021
Weight 525 grams; 9.3 cm. diameter; 93 red seeds and 4 white seeds. Faint taste of a cucumber, but generally tasteless.
Deseeded melon resembles a honey dew melon in color and texture, but the taste of the red seeded melon is very mild - more like a cucumber than a watermelon, cantaloupe, or mush melon.
Red Seeded Citron Watermelon purchased from Seed Savers Exchange of Decorah, Iowa. The term, att8itehe8i achiki8ara8i mina, is based upon of Kaskaskia Illinois-to-French Dictionary Edited by Carl Masthay (2002).
Small melon weighing 171.4 grams and measuring 7.2 cm in diameter was cut open for lunch on 20 September 2021. Perfect ripeness.
Red Seeded Citron Watermelon 4 June 2021 and 28 July 2021
att8itehe8i achiki8ara8i mina
(Kaskaskia Illinois, "Watermelon Red Seeds" = Citrullus lanatus)