First Creek Shelter 2 is mentioned by Carol Diaz-Granados (1993: 473, 552, Illustration 18.1) but it was not registered with the Archaeological Survey of Missouri. The site was registered with MoDNR in 2024 by Michael Fuller. The site is on private property, difficult to reach, and not open to the public. 

Head of antlered animal (far left) pXRF 21: Barium = 549.34 ppm +/- 41.51, Antimony 64.26 ppm +/- 10.9, Tin = 36.08 ppm +/- 8.56, Cadmium = 28.42 ppm +/- 8.31, Silver = 16.75 +/- 5.62, Palladium = 7.63 ppm +/- 4.16, Zirconium = 29.34 ppm +/- 6.25, Strontium = 10.04 ppm +/- 2.2, Arsenic = 5.29 ppm +/- 3.18, and Iron = 505.62 ppm +/- 39.05

pXRF 30: Zirconium = 3.048 ppm +/- 1.297, and Iron = 6.922 ppm +/- 2.807

Head of big eared animal (mule deer?); pXRF 22: Barium = 601.52 ppm +/- 46.46, Antimony = 81.19 ppm +/- 12.28, Tin = 49.67 ppm +/- 9.68, Cadmium = 33.5 ppm +/- 9.3, Silver = 26.22 ppm +/- 6.41, Palladium = 8.72 ppm +/- 4.65, Zirconium = 39.62 ppm +/- 7.1, Strontium = 12.51 ppm +/- 2.53, and Iron = 426.64 +/- 40.95

pXRF 29: Iron = 5.421% +/- 2.396

Left figure; pXRF 23: Barium = 544.94 ppm +/- 43.48, Antimony = 68.79 ppm +/- 11.46, Tin = 48.66 ppm +/- 9.11, Cadmium = 25.49 ppm +/- 8.67, Silver 24.54 ppm +/- 6.01, Zirconium = 33.77 ppm +/- 6.61, Strontium = 12.04 ppm +/- 2.37, and Iron = 681.4 ppm +/- 45.73

pXRF 28: Iron = 13.645% +/- 5.269 and Niobium = 12.281% +/- 3.644

Right figure; pXRF 24: Barium = 592.27 ppm +/- 45.08, Antimony = 67.39 ppm +/- 11.8, Tin = 42.22 ppm +/- 9.32, Cadmium = 27.47 ppm +/- 8.96, Silver = 21.71 ppm +/- 6.15, Zirconium = 40.89 ppm +/- 6.92, Strontium = 15.14 ppm +/- 2.53, and Iron = 571.42 ppm +/- 44.21

pXRF 27: Iron = 6.067% +/- 2.368

Unpainted bedrock in First Creek Shelter 1, pXRF 34: Barium = 571.66 ppm +/- 43.98, Antimony = 74.1 ppm +/- 11.6, Tin = 54.71 ppm +/- 9.23, Cadmium = 32.37 ppm +/- 8.82, Silver = 16 ppm +/- 5.92, Zirconium = 54 ppm +/- 6.9, Strontium = 7.47 ppm +/- 2.25, and Iron = 107.02 ppm +/- 26.91

pXRF 35: Zirconium = 2.55% +/- 1.27



References cited:

Diaz-Granados, Carol
1993  The Petroglyphs and Pictographs of Missouri - a distributional, stylistic, contextual, temporal and functional analysis of the State's Rock Art. Unpublished dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis.

First Creek Shelter 2, 23GA1198

Red pigment pictographs at First Creek shelter 2. Photograph by Michael Fuller


Doug Porter examines the red pictographs at First Creek Shelter 2; they are just to the right of the spot that he has illuminated on the shelter wall. Photograph by Michael Fuller


dStretch enhancement (filter LRE) of First Creek shelter 2. Photograph and dStretch by Anthony Starr. 

dStretch enchancement (filter LRE) of red pigment pictographs above the two human figures at First Creek Shelter 2. The undulating pattern definitely resembles some of the serpentine patterns at other pictograph sites in Missouri. Photograph and dStretch enhancement by Anthony Starr.

Closeup up hunter (?) with a big ear animal (mule deer?) to the left. Photograph by Mike Chervinko.
