Left: Silver coin from Knossos displaying the 7-course "Classical" Labyrinth; other coins show the meander variation of Labyrinth. The female bust represent either Demeter or Persephone. 400 BC. Right: Marble relief of Demeter with a cornucopia (horn of plenty) from 1st or 2nd century AD; from Knossos. Heraklion Archaeological Museum.


Left: Late Bronze Age wall painting of 3 noble women/goddesses. Right: Clay model found in excavation. Heraklion Archaeological Museum.


Late Bronze Age wall painting fragments of the bull leapers. Heraklion Archaeological Museum



- the palace of King Minos is famous in the archaeology of the Bronze Age Minoan civilization. The site was also occupied during the Classical Period.

Late Bronze Age storage jars in one the storage magazines of the palace.


Restored portion of the palace.


Two Marble statetues: Dionysus (2nd - 3rd century AD)  and Emperor Hadrian (AD 117 - 138) . A Black-Figure lekythos depicting Theseus slaying the Minotaur, 5th century BC. Heraklion Archaeological Museum.

Roman clay oil lamps with decoration on the discus. Left, hounds subdue a stag; center, Goddess Artimus; right, gladiator. Heraklion Archaeological Museum.


Late Bronze Age lioness-head rhyton for pouring a liquid offering through a hole in the muzzle. Made out of fine grain limestone. 1600 - 1550 BC. Heraklion Archaeological Museum.


Late Bronze Age throne room.
