A pictograph site under a shallow overhang along the Bourbeuse River was discovered by R. Bruce McMillan during 1963. The site is situated on private property and is not open to the public. I first visited the site in 2014 with Neathery Fuller and revisited the site in 2020 with a team that included Eric Fuller, Thomas Mercer, Mark Leach and Alan Westfall. 

Red Hawk pictograph and XRF analysis of readings 87 and 95: Silicon = 91.129% +/- 4.381,  Aluminum = 5.4% +/- 1.002, Iron = 2.204 +/- 0.521, and Manganese 1.171 +/- 0.493; PPM analysis: Antimony = 57.51 +/- 8.44, Tin = 39.71 +/- 7.68, Cadmium = 19.43 +/- 5.78, Silver = 81.4 +/- 29.07, Zirconium = 41.56 +/- 5.16, Gold = 8.09 +/- 4.91, Zinc = 18.41 +/- 4.41, Iron = 1167.09 +/- 42.37, Manganese = 268.85 +/- 32.87, Barium = 470.53 +/- 31.48, Strontium = 20.45 +/- 1.96, Rubidium = 7.22 +/- 1.35.

Unpainted Bedrock and XRF analysis of readings 92 and 96: Silicon =96.61% +/- 1.271, Aluminum = 2.839+/- 0.223, Iron = 0.49% +/- 0.131; PPM analysis: Antimony = 45.78 +/- 7.78, Tin = 34.18 +/- 7.08, Cadmium = 25.93 +/- 5.43, Silver = 63.04 +/- 22.51, Zirconium = 41.64 +/- 4.79, Gold = 7.29 +/- 4.55, Iron = 647.78 +/- 30.66, Barium = 398.38 +/- 28.96, Strontium = 18.47 +/- 1.79, Rubidium = 10.79 +/- 1.35.

Naturally Dark Black Stained Bedrock to the right of the pictograph XRF reading 97 PPM analysis: Antionmy = 51.8 +/- 8.63, Tin = 31.81 +/- 7.83, Cadmium = 21.38 +/- 5.96, Silver = 79.83 +/- 28.51, Zirconium = 31.66 +/- 5.21, Zinc = 6.42 +/- 3.98, Iron = 344.08 +/- 27.6, Manganese = 121.89 +/- 28.71, Barium = 492.63 +/- 32.43, Strontium = 21.59 +/- 2.04, Rubidium = 10.27 +/- 1.48.    [Photograph by Mark Leach, scale is 10 cm.]

Bourbeuse Eagle Site (23FR152)

Michael Fuller using a portable XRF detector to test for elements in the paint and nearby unpainted stone. [Photograph by Mark Leach]

Red Head of winged Serpent and XRF analysis readings 88 and 93. Silicon = 93.916% +/- 1.33, Aluminum = 4.653% +/- 0.283, Iron = 1.37% +/- 0.179;  PPM analysis: Antimony = 53.53 +/- 8.07, Tin = 41.49 +/- 7.39, Cadmium = 10.63 +/- 5.55, Silver = 87.4 +/- 31.21, Zirconium = 42.24 +/- 4.95, Zinc = 9.88 +/- 4.95, Iron = 642.21 +/- 32.35, Manganese = 384.84 +/- 33.5, Barium = 536.4 +/- 30.48, Strontium = 17.26 +/- 1.82, Rubidium = 7.11 +/- 1.29. 

Unpainted wall: XRF analysis readings 91 and 94: Silicon = 95.65% +/- 2.287, Aluminum = 3.139% +/- 0.538, Iron = 0.964% +/- 0.178, Niobium = 0.135% +/- 0.043, and Zirconium = 0.041% +/- 0.017; PPM analysis: Antimony = 77.1 +/- 8.42, Tin = 64.51 +/- 7.74, Cadmium = 28.68 +/- 5.77, Palladium = 9.18 +/- 3.05, Silver = 100.59 +/- 9, Zirconium = 43.72 +/- 5.09, Zinc = 9.68 +/- 3.83, Iron = 914.14 +/- 37.14, Barium = 713.7 +/- 31.91, Strontium = 26.58 +/- 2.04, Rubidium = 12.46 +/- 1.47, and Mercury +/- 6.21 +/- 2.73.   [Photograph by Michael Fuller]