Great Elk  (Glyph 33) pXRF 5: Iron = 0.284% +/- 0.011, and Aluminum = 99.714% +/- 0.005
pXRF 19: Barium = 485.82 ppm +/- 43.28, Antimony = 60.69 ppm +/- 11.07, Tin = 44.73 ppm +/- 9.72, Cadmium = 25.96 ppm +/- 7.95, Silver = 17.79 ppm +/- 5.44, Zirconium = 45.56 ppm +/- 7.46, Strontium = 11.27 ppm +/- 2.38, and Iron = 1595.76 ppm +/- 65.78.​


Shielded warrior Top (Glyph 146) pXRF 50: Iron = 0.086% +/- 0.012 and Aluminum = 99.908% +/- 0.002
pXRF 51: 853.66 ppm +/- 78.95, Antimony = 148.6 ppm +/- 20.62, Tin = 101.95 ppm +/- 17.98, Cadmium = 45.81 ppm +/- 14.36, Silver = 34.66 ppm +/- 10.11, Zirconium = 81.88 ppm +/- 13.89, Strontium = 13.16 ppm +/- 4.34, Iron = 764.31 ppm +/- 86.23, and Manganese = 112.8 ppm +/- 62.52


Abstract (Glyph 214) pXRF 66: Iron = 0.32% +/- 0.013 and Aluminum = 99.677% +/- 0.006

pXRF 78: Iron = 0.181% +/- 0.009 and Aluminum = 99.814% +/- 0.003
pXRF 67: Barium = 589.56 ppm +/- 52.43, Antimony = 85.2 ppm +/- 13.5, Strontium = 57.82 ppm +/- 11.8, Cadmium = 34.35 ppm +/- 9.64, Silver = 27.21 ppm +/- 6.72, Palladium = 8.95 ppm +/- 4.86, Zirconium = 53.08 ppm +/- 9.05, Strontium = 10.57 ppm +/- 2.84, Rubidium = 4.72 ppm +/- 1.92, and Iron = 3026.46 ppm +/- 105.38 


Upper Twin (Glyph 135) pXRF43: Iron = 0,091% +/- 0.007 and Aluminum = 99.906% +/- 0.002
pXRF58 = Barium = 471.48 ppm +/- 46.75, Antimony = 64.3 ppm +/- 12.01, Tin = 37.94 ppm +/- 10.46, Cadmium = 19.87 ppm +/- 8.53, Silver = 24.65 +/- 6.03, Zirconium = 52.97 ppm +/- 8.18, Strontium = 8.39 ppm +/- 2.49, and Iron = 529.98 ppm +/- 45.34.

Lower Twin (Glyph 136) pXRF 44: Iron = 0.087% +/- 0.007 and Aluminum 99.911% +/- 0.002
pXRF 57 = Barium = 338.34 ppm +/- 38.84, Antimony = 38.62 ppm +/- 9.94, Tin = 17.84 ppm +/- 8.62, Cadmium = 16.61 ppm +/- 7.16, Zirconium = 25.53 ppm +/- 6.59, Strontium = 7.91 ppm +/- 2.08, and Iron = 501.34 ppm +/- 37.33

Cave 1,

Panel 2


Majestic Bird (Glyph 4a needs a #) = pXRF 88: 422.5 ppm +/- 43.96, Antimony = 58.32 ppm +/- 11.31, Tin = 40.23 ppm +/- 9.91, Cadmium = 19.57 +/- 8.06, Silver = 16.77 ppm +/- 5.56, Zirconium = 45.04 ppm +/- 7.64, Strontium = 9.99 ppm +/- 2.4, Rubidium = 2.51 ppm +/- 1.54, Iron = 4567.35 ppm +/- 110.01, and Manganese = 100.02 ppm +/- 35.31
pXRF 89: Iron = 0.545% +/- 0.016 and Aluminum = 99.453% +/- 0.009 

[The third largest pictograph in Picture Cave was either discounted or overlooked by the first archaeologists studying the walls. It is marred in the 19th century with a large arrow drawn through its body - the arrow pointed the direction to the lower passageways. The three large pictographs are the threatening horned snake, the kneeling warrior transforming, and the majestic bird. The latter two have not been addressed in the scholarship on the cave.]



Antlered Deer (Glyph 202) pXRF 79: Iron = 0.256% +/- 0.012, and Aluminum = 99.739% +/- 0.005
pXRF 84: 572.84 ppm +/- 50.02, Antimony = 69.68 ppm +/- 12.75, Tin = 46.1 ppm +/- 11.15, Cadmium = 31.35 ppm +/- 9.17, Silver = 28.3 ppm +/- 6.44, Palladium = 7.08 ppm +/- 4.61, Zirconium = 76.72 ppm +/- 8.96, Strontium = 11.28 ppm +/- 2.73, Rubidium = 3.31 ppm +/- 1.77, and Iron = 1671.42 ppm +/- 76.78


Large eye (Glyph 209) pXRF 64: Iron = 0.453% +/- 0.015 and Aluminum = 99.544% +/- 0.008
pXRF 76: Iron = 0.325% +/-0.012 and 99.671% +/- 0.006
pXRF 69: 422.48 ppm +/- 42.52, Antimony = 54.46 ppm +/- 10.91, Tin = 42.71 ppm +/- 9.6, Cadmium = 23.32 ppm +/- 7.85, Silver = 10.95 ppm +/- 5.27, Zirconium = 37.49 ppm +/- 7.29, Strontium = 8.65 ppm +/- 2.28, Iron = 3054.54 ppm +/- 87.94, Manganese = 76.26 ppm +/- 32.77


Cave 1, Pane 4

Tri-Glyph Glyph 201 = pXRF 81: Iron = 0.248% +/- 0.011, and Aluminum = 99.729% +/- 0.005

pXRF 82: Barium = 371.46 ppm +/- 38.61, Antimony = 29.66 ppm +/- 9.76, Tin = 22.89 ppm +/- 8.58 ppm, Cadmium = 14.85 ppm +/- 7.07,  Zirconium = 28.42 ppm +/- 6.63, Strontium = 35.12 ppm +/- 2.71, and Iron = 1478.81 ppm +/- 57.59


Archer with a big hat (Glyph 204) pXRF 80: Iron = 0.312% +/- 0.012, and Aluminum = 99.684% +/- 0.005

pXRF 83: Barium = 514.08 ppm +/- 45.84 ppm, Antimony = 67.66 +/- 11.75, x = 36.72 ppm +/- 10.16, Cadmium = 27.32 ppm +/- 8.41, Silver = 13.7 ppm +/- 13.7, Zirconium = 78.2 ppm +/- 8.29, Strontium = 12.05 ppm +/- 2.54, Rubidium = 2.88 ppm 1.6, and Iron = 3444.35 ppm +/- 98.84


Falling Man  (Glyph 198) pXRF 86: Barium = 385.57 ppm +/- 40.5, Antimony = 42.68 +/- 10.33, Tin = 32.95 ppm +/- 9.09, Silver = 11.96 ppm +/- 5.05, Zirconium = 32.85 ppm +/- 6.92, Strontium = 7.23 ppm +/- 2.14, Rubidium = 2.78 ppm +/- 1.43, Iron = 2040.28 ppm +/- 69.79, and Manganese = 54.14 ppm +/- 29.99.
pXRF 91 : Iron = 0.13% +/- 0.008, and Aluminum = 99.868% +/- 0.002


Bison (Glyph 37) - pXRF 6: Zirconium = 0.052% +/- 0.015, Iron = 4.805% +/- 0.831, Niobium = 0.104% +/- 0.333, Aluminum = 5.717% +/- 1.481, and Silica = 89.279% +/- 5.56
pXRF 18: Barium = 404.64 ppm +/- 40.49, Antimony = 36.11 ppm +/- 10.23, Tin = 26.29 ppm +/- 9, Silver = 11.82 ppm +/- 5.04, Zirconium = 26.91 ppm +/- 6.84, Strontium = 11.37 ppm +/- 2.25, Rubidium = 2.34 ppm +/- 1.4, and Iron = 2852.89 ppm +/- 81.26.

Human (Glyph 38)  pXRF 7: Iron = 0.52 +/- 0.016, and Aluminum = 99.477 +/- 0.008
pXRF 17: Barium = 422.71 ppm +/- 40.47, Antimony = 45.74 ppm +/- 10.29, Tin = 26.2 ppm +/- 8.96, Zirconium = 35.2 ppm +/- 6.91, Strontium = 9.96 ppm +/- 2.21, Rubidium = 3.1 ppm +/- 1.43, Arsenic = 5.37 ppm +/- 3.29, Zinc = 13.1 ppm +/- 5.03, and Iron = 3654.43 ppm +/- 91.06.

Human (Glyph 40)  pXRF 8: Iron = 0.492% +/- 0.016, and Aluminum = 99.505% +/- 0.009
pXRF 16: Barium = 645.45 ppm +/- 54.87, Antimony = 85.03 ppm +/- 14.03, Tin = 74.37 ppm +/- 12.47, Cadmium = 36.32 ppm +/- 10.05, Silver = 28 ppm +/- 7, Zirconium = 67.61 ppm +/- 9.63, Strontium = 15.83 ppm +/- 3.13, Rubidium = 3.22 ppm +/- 1.92, and Iron = 2542.44 ppm +/- 100.95.


Fierce Wolf facing left (Glyph 210) pXRF 62: Iron = 0.434% +/- 0.015 and Aluminum = 99.563% +/- 0.007
pXRF 74: Iron = 0.315% +/- 0.017 and 99.682% +/- 0.005
pXRF 71: Barium = 463.65 ppm +/- 43.47, Antimony = 50.31 ppm +/- 11.03, Tin = 36.23 ppm +/- 9.68, Cadmium = 24.61 ppm +/- 7.97, Silver = 17.30 ppm +/- 5.46, Zirconium = 39.66 ppm +/- 7.43, Strontium = 11.19 ppm +/- 2.39, Rubidium = 3.28 ppm +/- 1.54, Iron = 2430.45 ppm +/- 80.1, and Manganese = 57.78 ppm +/- 32.47


Circle and dot under circle and cross glyph (Glyph 2e needs #) pXRF 33: Iron = 0.466% +/- 0.014 and Aluminum = 99.531% +/- 0.007
pXRF 38: Barium = 374.04 ppm +/- 38.52, Antimony = 35.66 ppm +/- 9.77, Tin = 24.1 ppm +/- 8.56, Zirconium = 19.58 ppm +/- 6.45, Strontium = 14.01 ppm +/- 2.22, Rubidium = 3.41 ppm +/- 1.39, and Iron = 3235.21 ppm +/- 82.4

Abstract to the left of the circle and dot glyph and below “X” (Glyph 2g) pXRF 34: Iron = 1.046% +/- 0.024 and Aluminum = 98.951% +/- 0.017


Running Man (Glyph 197) pXRF 87: Barium = 446.66 ppm +/- 42.06, Antimony = 45.22 ppm +/- 10.67, Tin = 41.96 ppm +/- 9.46, Cadmium = 17.38 ppm +/- 7.66, Silver = 14.19 ppm +/- 5.25, Zirconium = 52.29 ppm +/- 7.37, Strontium = 10.76 ppm +/- 2.31, Rubidium = 2.63 ppm +/- 1.46, Iron - 2757.52 ppm +/- 82.56, and Manganese = 50.87 ppm +/- 30.92

pXRF 90: Iron = 0.647% +/- 0.018 and Aluminum = 99.351% +/- 0.01


Running Archer (Glyph 131) pXRF 45: Iron = 0.071% +/- 0.006 and Aluminum = 99.925% +/- 0.006
pXRF 56: Barium = 422.63 ppm +/- 41.51, Antimony 43.6 ppm +/- 10.55, Tin - 32.61 ppm +/- 9.26, Cadmium = 18.69 ppm +/- 7.6, Pallidium = 5.86 ppm +/- 3.87, Zirconium = 34.83 ppm +/- 7.09, Strontium = 9.23 ppm +/- 2.24, Zinc = 9.63 ppm +/- 4.93, Iron = 540;1 ppm +/- 40.64, and Manganese = 44.53 ppm +/- 29.68


Shielded warrior with mace (Glyph 145) pXRF49: Iron = 0.102% +/- 0.007 and Aluminum = 99.895% +/- 0.002
pXRF 52: Barium = 374.15 ppm +/- 40.23, Antimony = 49.39 ppm +/- 10.33, Tin = 32.7 ppm +/- 9.04, Cadmium = 11.96 +/- 7.33, Silver = 9.41 ppm +/- 4.98, Zirconium = 43.42 ppm +/- 7.01, Strontium = 8.64 ppm +/- 2.17, and Iron = 542.29 ppm +/- 39.57 


Bundle (Glyph 211) 61:  Iron = 0.263% +/- 0.01 and Aluminum = 99.718% +/- 0.004
pXRF 73: Iron = 0.322% +/- 0.012 and Aluminum = 99.657% +/- 0.006
pXRF 72: Barium = 402.73 ppm +/- 39.84, Antimony = 43.5 ppm +/- 10.15, Tin = 30.38 ppm +/- 8.9, Cadmium = 15.04 ppm +/- 7.27, Silver = 13.08 ppm +/- 4.98, Zirconium = 39.3 ppm +/- 6.86, Strontium = 7.03 ppm +/- 2.09, and Iron = 1286.16 ppm +/- 55.64


Cave 1, Panel 2 continued

Head facing left under arc/rainbow (Glyph 5a) pXRF 63: Iron = 0.367% +/- 0.012 and Aluminum = 99.63% +/- 0.006

pXRF 70: Barium = 349.05 ppm +/- 38.4, Antimony = 30.26 ppm +/- 9.74, Tin = 17.95 ppm +/- 8.5, Cadmium = 12.73 ppm +/- 7.02, Zirconium = 42.56 ppm +/- 6.7, Strontium = 7.32 ppm +/- 2.04, Rubidium = 2.65 ppm +/- 1.35, and Iron = 2364.33


Mildly serrated Cahokia bi-notched point found in a disturbed area on the floor of the cave 50 cm. below Glyph 29, Cave 1, Panel 2. Length = 22.9 mm, width = 12.9 mm, thickness = 3.3 mm and weight = 0.7 grams. Two Late Woodland/Mississippian Period pottery sherds found on the surface of a bedrock ledge immediately beneath Glyph 40 in Cave 1, Panel 2. Incised sherd with coarse grit temper = 9.2 mm in thickness. Cord marked sherd with cord marked exterior = 6.9 mm in thickness. 


Cave 1, Panel 1

“X” or crossed paddles (Glyph 2f needs #) pXRF 30: Antimony = 0.002% +/- 0.001, Iron = 0.258% +/- 0.011, and Aluminum = 99.735% +/- 0.005
pXRF 37: Barium = 441.47 ppm +/- 42.5, Antimony = 55.43 ppm +/- 10.88, Tin = 28.54 ppm +/- 9.43, Cadmium = 17.57 ppm +/- 7.74, Silver = 15.23 ppm +/- 5.33, Zirconium = 41.25 ppm +/- 7.32, Strontium = 12.42 ppm +/- 2.38, and Iron = 8277.52 ppm +/- 141.43



Stripped Feather or Club (Glyph 41) pXRF 9: Iron = 0.112% +/- 0.01, and Aluminum = 99.884% +/- 0.002
pXRF 15: Barium = 408.78 ppm +/- 40.68, Antimony = 52.13 ppm +/- 10.43, Tin = 35.86 ppm +/- 9.12, Cadmium = 16.33 ppm +/- 7.43, Zirconium = 40.2 ppm +/- 7.04, Strontium = 17.36 ppm +/ 2.42, and Iron = 1515.9 ppm +/- 61.04.
Figure or Abstract (Glyph 2a needs #) pXRF 10: Iron = 0.161% +/- 0.011, an Aluminum = 99.836% +/- 0.003
pXRF 14: Barium = 542.82 ppm +/- 47.51, Antimony = 78.95 ppm +/- 12.24, Tin = 42.5 ppm +/- 10.6, Cadmium = 29.9 ppm +/- 8.72, Silver = 25.5 ppm +/- 6.09, Zirconium = 51.77 ppm +/- 8.22, Strontium = 11.01 ppm +/- 2.59, and Iron = 1449.75 ppm +/- 68.74


Bird Head - Carolina parakeet?  (Glyph 137) pXRF 47: Iron = 0.108% +/- 0.009 and Aluminum = 99.889% +/- 0.002

pXRF 54: Barium = 456.43 ppm +/- 44.64, Antimony = 57.13 ppm +/- 11.43, Tin = 45.07 ppm +/- 10.06, Cadmium = 23.22 ppm +/- 8.2, Silver = 15.17 ppm +/- 5.59, Zirconium = 45.38 ppm +/- 7.73, Strontium = 10.56 ppm +/- 2.44, and Iron = 631.71 ppm +/- 46.24


Rattle/Triglyph (Glyph 29)  pXRF 20: Barium = 483.16 ppm +/- 42.93, Antimony = 60.1 ppm +/- 10.97, Tin = 47.56 ppm +/- 9.67, Cadmium = 22.53 ppm +/- 7.85, Silver = 16.16 ppm +/- 5.37, Palladium = 7.21 +/- 4, Zirconium = 43.99 ppm +/- 7.4, Strontium = 14.53 ppm +/- 2.45, and Iron = 1331.47 ppm +/- 60.22.
pXRF 29: Iron = 0.216% +/- 0.01 and Aluminum = 99.782% +/- 0.004

Rattle/Triglyph (Glyph 30) pXRF 21: Barium = 431.59 ppm +/- 42.46, Antimony = 56.15 ppm +/- 10.89, Tin = 33.38 ppm +/- 9.47, Cadmium = 18.85 ppm +/- 7.77, Silver = 10.25 ppm +/- 5.24, Zirconium = 37.3 ppm +/- 7.27, Strontium = 10.28 ppm +/- 2.32, and Iron = 1279.32 ppm +/- 58.92.
pXRF 28: Iron = 0.148% +/- 0.01, and Aluminum = 99.847% +/- 0.003

Figure with headdress (Glyph 2b needs #) - pXRF 22: Barium = 506.35 ppm +/- 43.82, Antimony = 67.97 ppm +/- 11.24, Tin = 46.17 ppm +/- 9.82, Cadmium = 20.24 ppm +/- 7.96, Silver = 13.72 ppm +/- 5.42, Palladium = 8.85 ppm +/- 4.1, Zirconium = 68.04 ppm +/- 7.82, Strontium = 16.62 ppm +/- 2.56, Iron = 1393.02 ppm +/- 62.56, and Manganese = 54.08 ppm +/- 32.12
pXRF 27: Aluminum = 99.99% +/- 0.001


Portal (Glyph 42): pXRF 13: Barium = 384.33 ppm +/- 40.55, Antimony = 46.71 ppm +/- 10.38, Tin = 26.89 ppm +/- 9.04, Silver = 9.32 ppm +/- 5.02, Zirconium = 19.99 ppm +/- 6.78, Strontium = 8.73 ppm +/- 2.19, and Iron = 1669.28 ppm +/- 63.76


Mace Marcher (Glyph 138) pXRF 48: Iron = 0.076% +/- 0.007 and Aluminum = 99.92% +/- 0.002

pXRF 53: Barium = 789.96 ppm +/- 68.89, Antimony = 119.44 ppm +/- 17.78, Tin = 98.4 ppm +/- 8.91, Zirconium = 93.12 ppm +/- 12.36, Strontium = 11.67 ppm +/- 3.71, Zinc = 15.73 ppm +/- 9.37, Iron = 537.07 ppm +/- 66.13, and Manganese = 84.9 ppm +/- 52.36


Fat Bison (Glyph 185) = pXRF 85: Barium = 391.49 ppm +/- 39.76, Antimony = 43.76 ppm +/- 10.15, Tin = 30.46 ppm +/- 8.89, Cadmium = 15.19 ppm +/- 7.27, Silver = 9.48 ppm +/- 4.92, Zirconium = 33.55 ppm +/- 6.79, Strontium = 7.43 ppm +/- 2.1, Rubidium = 2.06 ppm +/- 1.37, and Iron = 1282.39 ppm +/- 55.57.
pXRF 92: Iron = 0.168 +/- 0.001, and Aluminum = 99.83 +/- 0.003


Abstract (Glyph 208) pXRF 65: Iron = 0.505% +/- 0.015 and Aluminum = 99.492% +/- 0.008
pXRF 77: Iron = 0.41% +/- 0.013 and Aluminum = 99.587% +/- 0.007
pXRF 68: Barium = 389.65 ppm +/- 41.1, Antimony = 32.13 ppm +/- 10.39, Tin = 28.25 ppm +/- 9.17, Cadmium = 16.79 ppm +/- 7.53, Silver = 10.94 ppm +/- 5.11, Zirconium = 33.32 ppm +/- 7.02, Strontium = 6.37 ppm +/- 2.15, Rubidium = 2.97 ppm +/- 1.46, Iron = 2308.81 ppm +/- 74.98, and Magnesium = 74.92 ppm +/- 31.46


Glyph 2h (no photo?): pXRF 35: Iron = 0.569% +/- 0.015 and Aluminum = 99.428% +/- 0.009
pXRF 36: Barium = 490.97 ppm +/- 46.19, Antimony = 52.81 ppm +/- 11.73, Tin = 37.77 ppm +/- 10.29, Cadmium = 26.05 ppm +/- 8.48, Silver = 16.45 ppm 5.78, Zirconium = 46.6 ppm +/- 8, Strontium 19.06 ppm +/- 2.77, Rubidium = 2.96 ppm +/- 1.63, and Iron = 2542.63 ppm +/- 86.78

Banner pole (Glyph 2i): pXRF 41: Barium = 380.46 ppm +/- 41.55, Antimony = 43.61 ppm +/- 10.62, Tin = 30.25 ppm +/- 9.3, Cadmium = 15.23 ppm +/- 7.61, Silver = 8.24 ppm +/- 5.13, Zirconium = 41.55 ppm +/- 7.22, Strontium = 10.3 ppm +/- 2.29, and Iron = 1457.18 ppm +/- 61.57
pXRF 42: Iron = 0.232% +/- 0.011 and Aluminum = 99.765% +/- 0.004

Abstract Sideways J (Glyph 132) pXRF 46: Iron = 0.071% +/- 0.006 and Aluminum = 99.925% +/- 0.001
pXRF 55: Barium = 439.51 ppm +/- 43.99, Antimony = 57.64 ppm +/- 11.29, Tin = 42.39 ppm +/- 9.92, Cadmium= 21.34 ppm +/- 8.07, Silver = 19.33 ppm +/- 5.59, Zirconium = 44.35 ppm +/- 7.62, Strontium = 9.99 ppm +/- 2.4, Zinc = 9.3 ppm +/- 5.18, and Iron = 439.62 ppm +/- 39.92.


Smeared black pigment  (Glyph 17) pXRF 32 = Iron = 0.4% +/- 0.013 and Aluminum = 99.598% +/- 0.006
pXRF 40 = Barium = 343.23 ppm +/- 41.23, Antimony = 40.23 ppm +/- 10.57, Tin = 31.84 ppm +/- 9.3, Cadmium = 17.61 ppm +/- 7.62, Silver = 11.37 ppm +/- 5.17, Zirconium = 47.44 ppm +/- 7.29, Strontium = 16.56 ppm +/- 2.45, Rubidium = 2.79 ppm +/- 1.47, Zinc = 7.79 ppm +/- 4.78, andIron = 2164.85 ppm +/- 73.35

Circle and Cross Glyph 182: pXRF 31: Iron = 0.955% +/- 0.021 and Aluminum = 99.043% +/- 0.014
pXRF 39: Barium = 402.4 ppm +/- 38.71, Antimony = 43.72 ppm +/- 9.85, Tin = 43.72 ppm +/- 8.54, Zirconium = 13.48 ppm +/- 6.38, Strontium = 11.77 ppm +/- 2.16, Iron = 3013.72 ppm +/- 79.84, and Manganese = 48.31 ppm +/- 28.64


Cave 1

Panel 2

Cave 1, Panel 5

Mummy Bundle (Glyph # 2c) pXRF 23: Barium = 458.48 ppm +/- 40.3, Antimony = 45.45 ppm +/- 10.2, Tin = 35.6 ppm +/- 8.98, Cadmium = 13.77 ppm +/- 7.28, Silver = 10.5 ppm +/- 4.95, Zirconium = 35.61 ppm +/- 6.87, Strontium = 16.55 ppm +/- 2.36, Iron = 1158.47 ppm +/- 53.4, and Manganese = 44.06 ppm +/- 28.77
pXRF 26: Iron = 0.188% +/- 0.009, and Aluminum = 99.811% +/- 0.003

Stripped Feather or Club (Glyph # 2d).  pXRF 24: Barium = 456.14 ppm +/- 41.14. Antimony = 58.37 ppm +/- 10.54, Tin = 33.38 ppm +/- 9.16, Cadmium = 19.86 ppm +/- 7.51, Silver = 14.31 ppm +/- 5.13, Zirconium = 32.2 ppm +/- 6.96, Strontium = 10.72 ppm +/- 2.25, Rubidium = 3.38 ppm +/- 1.47, Iron = 1889.16 ppm +/- 67.8, and Manganese = 54.61 ppm +/- 30.05
pXRF 25 = Iron = 0.217% +/- 0.014 and Aluminum = 99.78% +/- 0.004
