Team Fuller: Neathery (left), Michael (Center) and Eric (right) left St Louis before sunrise to reach Washington State Park and get set up for the large crowd that came to talk about archaeology the eclipse. It was a hot day.
Solar Eclipse 21 August 2017 at Washington State Park near DeSoto, MO
Beginning of the eclipse as projected on a piece of white paper through sunlight coming through the tree leaves.
Petroglyph panel showing the coiled serpent and winged serpent. The light of the eclipse did not change the way that the petroglyphs appeared to Michael Fuller and Eric Fuller. The temperature dropped and the sound level became more like night. The open mouth of the coiled serpent threatens what could be an image of the sun and moon.
Eclipse ending as viewed through leaves projected onto a piece of drawing paper.
A large crowd came from all over the USA, Canada, and Mexico.
Tuneinir pXRF results